Join NAIOP Maryland/DC REEL (NAIOP Developing Leaders) on Wednesday, August 5th, for REEL Networking at the Nats!
It's the Nationals vs. the Marlins...network and enjoy a few drinks with your REEL friends as we cheer on the home team to turn this season around.
Everyone knows the Red Porch is the best place to watch the game and socailize, so we blocked off a section of "recession priced" seats and plan to meet up there for drinks instead. Tickets include $20 for drinks and concessions plus a terrace level seat, should you choose to take a break from the bar. Invite your friends and prospective REEL members!We hope to see you there!
This event is exclusive to members of NAIOP Maryland/DC REEL and invited guests REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT CLOSES ON AUGUST 3RD!
Click here to download event invitationNAIOP Maryland/DC REEL members and invited guests $30
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