From Kold.com
Arizona's Christmas gift to the nation arrived in Washington this week. The Capitol Hill Christmas tree arrived Monday in Washington, D.C..
It looked bare, but in just a few weeks, it will be adorned with thousands of sparkling lights and decorations. It will be decorated with approximately five-thousand ornaments made by people across Arizona.
The tree was harvested November 7th and passed through Oro Valley and Tucson on it's way to Washington. This year's tree is an 85-foot spruce from the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. It was selected from 12 candidates based on its form.
The official lighting ceremony is December 8th at 5 p.m.. The Capitol Christmas Tree should not to be confused with the National Christmas Tree, which is planted near the White House and lighted every year by the president and first lady. The Speaker of the House officially lights the Capitol Christmas Tree.
The tree will be lit by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, with the Arizona congressional delegation, Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl along with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in attendance.
Following the lighting ceremony, the Capitol Christmas Tree will be lit from dusk until 11 p.m. each evening through January 1, 2010. As part of the Architect of the Capitol's continuing commitment to save energy, strands of LED (Light Emitting Diodes) lights will be used to decorate the entire tree. LED lights use little electricity, have an extremely long life-span, and are environmentally friendly.
After the holidays they will be recycled and used as mulch.
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